Sunday, 5 June 2016

(17) Story of Bhushunda crow





Lord Shiva resides in the Kailaasa Mountain and is worshipped in all the three worlds as the Supreme God of all.

He is the personification of dispassion yet is the Supreme lover of his beloved Umaa and keeps her as the one half of the body so he is never separated from her. Umaa is his Rudra-Shakti, his power of destruction.
He has many attendants with weird faces who serve him at all times with devotion. His other powers are known as Mother Goddesses and worshipped by all Gods and humans.

These Mother Goddesses also have weird forms. Many have hoofs as their faces and hoofs as their hands. Many are camel faced and donkey faced.
They wear garlands of limbs and dance in front of him. They have extreme powers and are controlled only by Shiva their Master. They devour lives in all the fourteen worlds. They drink; they dance; they eat flesh; they seek the cremation grounds.

Of all the Mother Goddesses there are seven who are considered as above all. Their names are Jayaa, Vijayaa, Jayanti, Aparaajitaa, Siddhaa, Raktaa, Aalambusaa, and Utpalaa.

Among these Goddesses Aalambusaa had a huge crow named Chanda as her vehicle. Chanda was dark blue in color and very strong. His bones were made of diamond. He served the Goddess with devotion.


The Goddesses always had a meeting now and then to exchange their experiences. In one such meeting they all got together; drank blood and liquor; worshipped their deities and discussed many topics.
They all voiced the same opinion about their Master who always seemed to be more attentive to Umaa than them. He never even glanced at them when Umaa was with him. Even Umaa did not regard them with respect.
All the Mother Goddesses were angry and felt humiliated. They decided to prove their powers to these lovers and see that such humiliations never occurred again.

When Shiva was absorbed in contemplation, they stole Uma from his body and took her away to their private abode. Umaa felt helpless in front of them. She trembled in fear in front of those weird powers.

The Goddesses sprinkled magical waters over her and converted her into some delicious food that could be partaken by Shiva. Umaa remained in the form of food yet kept contemplating on her Lord’s form. She knew her lover would rescue her somehow. She waited patiently for her Lord to take action.

The Goddesses were mad with happiness for they had achieved the impossible. They had converted the beloved of that arrogant Shiva to a consumable food. They will offer his own beloved to him as food and he will eat her off. That would be an end of the love-story of Shiva and Umaa.
They laughed violently. They celebrated their success by consuming varieties of flesh and liquors. Blood overflowed in their cups. They all danced wildly making the three worlds tremble. They sucked blood through their hoofed faces with gurgling noise echoing in all the three worlds.
They shrieked; screamed; laughed; shouted; embraced each other; threw fire at each other’s faces; jumped up and down; danced shaking their hips and bellies. It was a horrifying site. The ignorant goddesses thought that their actions were unknown to the All-knower Shiva.

As the Goddesses made merry, their vehicles also took part in the merriment. The seven female swans of Brahma and Chanda the crow also drank liquor to their heart’s content and danced wildly in the sky. Overcome by passion the swans sought Chanda’s company. The mighty Chanda satisfied them all one by one. The swans were overjoyed. They all became pregnant and returned to their abode at Brahma Loka.
Meanwhile the Mother Goddesses took Umaa in the form of food to Shiva and placed it in front of him to be consumed. Who can cheat Shiva? Shiva looked at them all angrily. Before he opened his third eye, the Goddesses fell at his feet and begged for forgiveness. They apologized and recreated Umaa sacrificing each one of their limbs. Umaa returned to the embrace of her beloved Lord.
The Mother Goddesses returned home chastised and more aware of the powers of their Master.


The swans in Brahma Loka being pregnant were unable to perform their regular duties. Braahmi their Goddess told them to retire from their duties till they delivered the babies and she absorbed herself in contemplation.

The swans happily rested in the lotus petals of Brahma Loka. In course of time they delivered twenty one eggs. One of them was Bhushunda.

All these twenty one brothers were taught the Supreme knowledge by Goddess Braahmi and they were liberated. Then they all went to their father Chanda in Goddess Aalambusaa’s abode. They asked their father to suggest some place where they could live in solitude absorbed in the Self-state without the disturbance of the world.

Chanda informed them that he had built a nest of precious stones on the topmost edge of the southern branch of the Kalpa tree on the peak of the golden Meru Mountain. He advised his sons to go there and make it their home.
All the twenty one brothers flew to the Meru Mountain and lived on the Kalpa tree in their nest happily absorbed in the state of the Self.



Always mortals dream of becoming immortal!
But how many are evolved enough to hold on to it?

A man who is attached to his limited space time boundary, or his family or friends can never digest the bitter pill of immortality. Yes! Immortality can be a curse to a man with limited outlooks. Unless you have the courage to stand alone looming gigantic over the infinite space and time, unless you master the art of being happy in your own self, you cannot enjoy the long long life.

And this immortality had been achieved by many by getting rid of their limited identities.
Those who are absorbed in the Self remain as Brahman the Supremacy and thus exist as the principle of existence itself, blissful in Self-Knowledge.
But there were many unique personalities who did not want to lose their limited identities and wanted to continue their life as themselves enjoying a never ending life-experience. They did not hold on to the limited world patterns for their happiness.
They were ready to renounce all that was theirs in their world and walk out of the limited space time boundary.

Leelaa wife of King Padma had ascertained her eternity by becoming a student-companion of Jnapti. As long as she wanted to ‘know’, there won’t be an end of her identity as Jnapti’s devoted companion.
Aeindavas had decided that Brahma’s position was the highest identity that could be achieved and had become Brahmas or creators and existed in all the Kalpas in all the creations of all the Brahmas.
Sages like Vasishta and Vyaasa also were ever-liberated and by the power of knowledge they were in-born with, they could maintain their identity through many Kalpas. They took on the same characters and same forms and participated in the world-drama for the good of all.
Trinities had no problem. They could take on any form they preferred at any time any where and continue their identity in many Kalpas. They always kept the love for their spouses alive in their hearts and held on to their particular forms and personalities in all the Kalpas. They were ever-liberated.
Bhushunda the crow also wanted to live forever but as Bhushunda the crow only.

Bhushunda as any other resident of Brahma Loka had attained the state of the Self. He was a liberated being. When his life-span on the heaven got over, he would have merged in the Nirvikalpa Brahman, the Unmanifest Supremacy and would have attained ‘Videha Mukti’ (Bodiless liberation) like Shuka and other Sages who did not want to remain in their limited identity.
But he did not want to fully dissolve his Bhushunda characteristics.
He loved his crow-identity.
He was not a Supreme Godhead nor had he the inborn knowledge like the great Sages. Yet he wanted to live through many Kalpas.
He wanted to see what happened in all the successive creations of the successive Brahmas. He did not want to lose his identity of the crow also.

All his brothers attained bodiless liberation after the death of their bodies.
But Bhushunda did not ever want to die. He wanted to live forever as Bhushunda and as a non-participator of world-dramas. He just wanted to watch; he did not want to act.
So he thought and thought and found a way to outlive dissolutions and creations. He learnt to equalize the Praana paths. He learnt to escape the fires and floods of dissolution through many unique contemplative methods.
Even after his mountain and tree dissolved at the end of the Kalpas, he learnt to conceive his own mountain and tree and remained in his own mental place with his own group of crows conceived by him. After all, nothing was absolute and real except Chit. Each and every creation was a mental projection of Brahmaa.
Originally Bhushunda belonged to some creation of some Brahmaa or some Brahmaa’s mental space. But he had cleverly jumped out of it to have his identity in tact without the interference of a Brahma.

He sat now comfortably in his nest on the Kalpa tree conceived by himself and watched the creations unfolding one after the other. Like humans like to sit and watch movies one after another seated comfortably in the best of seats and with best of delicacies around, Bhushunda watched the movies of creations, lolling in his gigantic nest on the Kalpa tree.
He never swerved from the Self state; yet lived as a crow.
He could have taken any form and conceived any world as his abode. But he preferred to be a crow, humble and noble. That is all.
His abode was his own mental conception. No one could approach him there. No one could visit him. No one knew even where his Kalpa tree was.

Only Sage Vasishta, the all knower visited him piercing through his mental space and conversed with him. He asked many questions to Bhushunda about his birth and his life. He allowed Bhushunda to explain in his own simple words the unique Praana-control method he followed. That Knowledge he passed on to Rama for the benefit of the whole world when he was discoursing about Brahman in Dasharatha’s courtroom


Nobody knows from how long Bhushunda has been living.
He has outlived kings, gods, Brahmas, Trinities, creations.
He has seen a variety of worlds of countless Brahmas.
He has seen some Brahmas contemplating and dissolving into Para Brahman even before starting their creation work.
He has seen the same stories of demons and gods repeated over and over again in many creations.
He has seen sometimes Vishnu’s Avatars getting mixed up and rendered different in some creations.
He has seen ‘land-less creations’; ‘human-less creations’; ‘godless creations’.
He has seen creations where only mountains were there; creations where only trees were there; creations where only demons were there; creations where only bones of demons were there.
He has seen creations where Brahmins treated Gods as untouchables.
He has seen pure void without creations also.
He remembers every event of every creation he has witnessed.
He knows everything about everybody as he stays in the comfort of the nest itself.
He does not move out of his abode at all.
He does not bother about the good or bad of the events of any creation.
He does not interact with any one.
He is happy in his own Self-state and enjoys watching creation-works.
He does not trouble any one nor is he troubled by anyone.
He has no attachments, no desires, no wants, no hatred, and no pride.
He just keeps on living happily as the ‘Bhushunda crow’!



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