Sunday, 5 June 2016

(27) Story of the unreal entity (I and You)



Emptiness! Conscious blissful all-knowing emptiness!
In that emptiness appeared a shape made of emptiness, like a wave from the ocean!
He, the ‘Empty-man’ had great powers!
He saw shapes in the emptiness and sought them!
He heard sounds in the emptiness and jumped in glee!
He touched solids in that emptiness and avoided dashing into them!
He tasted the emptiness and felt satisfied!
He smelt the emptiness and chose the shapes!
He walked and moved! Instantly ‘Space and Time’ rose around him caging him all around!

But that caged empty man was happy in that prison made of emptiness!
Moreover, he wanted to possess the emptiness around him!
He drew lines in the emptiness around the emptiness and constructed a house and protected it as ‘his’!
He was very fond of his possession! He took care of the emptiness day and night like his own life!
But alas! In the time-cage created by him, the house which contained his treasure of emptiness, gradually got worn out and perished in course of time!
The poor empty man! He cried, wept, rolled on the floor made of emptiness and lamented long for the loss of his house which protected his only treasure namely ‘Emptiness’!

He would not give up!
He dug a well in the emptiness.
He and protected his treasure named ‘Emptiness’ in that well!
But alas! In the time-cage created by him, the well which contained his treasure of emptiness, gradually got worn out and perished in course of time!
The poor empty man! He cried, wept, rolled on the floor made of emptiness and lamented long for the loss of his well which protected his only treasure namely ‘Emptiness’!

He would not give up!
He made a pot in the emptiness and protected his treasure named ‘Emptiness’ inside that pot!
But alas! In the time-cage created by him, the pot which contained his treasure of emptiness, gradually got worn out and perished in course of time!
The poor empty man! He cried, wept, rolled on the floor made of emptiness and lamented long for the loss of his pot which protected his only treasure namely ‘Emptiness’!

He would not give up!
He dug a huge pit in the emptiness and protected his treasure named ‘Emptiness’ inside that pit! But alas! In the time-cage created by him, the pit which contained his treasure of emptiness, gradually got worn out and perished in course of time!
The poor empty man! He cried, wept, rolled on the floor made of emptiness and lamented long for the loss of his pit which protected his only treasure namely ‘Emptiness’!

He would not give up!
He constructed a huge hall in the emptiness and protected his treasure named ‘Emptiness’ inside that hall! To offer more protection, he built four huge halls all around the inside hall in all the four directions, to safeguard the hall which contained his treasure namely ‘Emptiness’!
But alas! In the time-cage created by him, the hall with four halls around it, which contained his treasure of emptiness, gradually got worn out and perished in course of time!
The poor empty man! He cried, wept, rolled on the floor made of emptiness and lamented long for the loss of his hall-structure of four halls surrounding a huge hall which protected his only treasure namely ‘Emptiness’!

He would not give up!
He constructed a granary in the emptiness and protected his treasure named ‘Emptiness’ inside that granary! 
But alas! In the time-cage created by him, the granary, which contained his treasure of emptiness, gradually got worn out and perished in course of time!
The poor empty man! He cried, wept, rolled on the floor made of emptiness and lamented long for the loss of his granary, which protected his only treasure namely ‘Emptiness’!


(If these repeated words bore you, pray tell me what else is your life, but repetitions? Aren’t you bored of it still?)

(All the objects he built collectively refer to the body, which is a house the ego lives in. The well refers to the pathway from the mouth to the inside; the pot refers to the chest region; the pit refers to the abdomen; hall with four halls refer to the body with hands and feet; granary refers to the belly.)

And the story of this empty man is never-ending!
He keeps on protecting his treasure of emptiness drawing various structures again and again!
He loses them and cries!
He again draws lines around the emptiness and tries to protect it! He laughs and jumps with joy seeing them!
He loses them in course of time and cries!

Who is that idiot who holds on to the emptiness?
‘I’! The ‘Ahamkaara’! The ego!
The imagined self-image which arises by the interaction with the objects of the world!

What is the world?
Shapes drawn on the ever-moving empty atoms by the brain, and sounds attached to those shapes to identify them!

The imagined man-structure holds on to an imagined shape-structure; cries when the lines get erased off; draws more lines; cries when the lines get erased off; draws more lines; cries ……….!

This is the never ending story of the idiot called the ‘ego-man’, who is not at all real!!!


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